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View events for September 22nd

Event in Support of State Representative Seth Grove


8:00 AM

2nd Annual Clay Shoot

8AM - Breakfast & Registration
9AM - Shotgun Start
12PM - Lunch

Event Will Be Held

Warrington Sporting Clays
500 Yeager Road
Wellsville, PA 17365

Contact Information

Name: Rebecca Ream Weigle
Phone: (717) 873-6217

Admission Information

$50/Lunch Only $175/Individual $500/Foursome $1000/Sign Sponsor $2500/Lunch Sponsor $2500/Breakfast Sponsor $5000/Ammo Sponsor $10000/Event Sponsor

Please make checks payable and send to:

Citizens for Grove
c/o R&W Partners, LLC
PO Box 2891
York, PA 17405