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View events for August 21st

Golf Event in Support of State Senator Jim Brewster


7:00 AM

45th District Classic
"4-Man Scramble-Best Ball"

Two Shotgun Starts
7AM - Registration
8AM - Shotgun Start

1:30PM - Registration
2:30PM - Shotgun Start

12:30PM - 2:30PM Lunch in Ballroom

RSVP by 8/11/2023

Event Will Be Held

Youghiogheny Country Club
1901 Greenock Buena Vista Road
McKeesport, PA 15135

Contact Information

Name: Annette
Phone: (412) 298-3729

Admission Information

$50/Lunch Only $200/Tee Sign Sponsor $1000/Foursome $2500/Silver Sponsor $5000/Gold Sponsor

Please make checks payable and send to:

Committee to Elect Jim Brewster
c/o Annette James
1919 Evans Avenue
McKeesport, PA 15132