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View events for August 14th

Golf Event in Support of State Representative Jim Struzzi


8:30 AM

5th Annual Golf Outing

8:30AM - Breakfast/Registration
9:45AM - Tee-Off

Event Will Be Held

Indiana Country Club
495 Country Club Road
Indiana, PA 15701

Contact Information

Name: Jenise Harris
Phone: (717) 994-3500

Admission Information

$150/Tee Sponsor $250/Snack Sponsor $300/Individual Golfer $500/Breakfast Sponsor $750/Video Leaderboard Sponsor $1000/Scorecard, Cart, Reception Sponsor $1200/Foursome $1500/Back or Front Nine Sponsor $2500/Lunch or Beverage Sponsor $5000/Tournament Sponsor

Please make checks payable and send to:

Friends of Jim Struzzi
PO Box 123
Indiana, PA 15701